12 Ways to Beat Test Stress and Anxiety
Test Related Stress
1/7/23 JASPER
If you want to maximize test performance and improve your accuracy, it's critical that you read questions more thoroughly. To check if this skill-set needs improvement, take a practice test and review only the wrong answers - then ask yourself two key questions: Did I comprehend the question? Did I know the answer? If yes to both those queries, then reading was likely not done carefully enough. Practicing increased focus can help build effective skills for slowing down brain activity while honing in on pertinent details within exam material.
As you plan for your test, choose the day and time that best serves your needs. Mondays are a great option since they give you ample rest before and after - no matter what time of day. Additionally, taking a full day off work ahead of testing can help reduce stress or distractions while permitting yourself to celebrate afterward when success awaits! If mornings don't suit you, consider scheduling in the afternoon instead. Further tailoring this important date around personal tendencies, such as energy level dips during certain times of the day, could also add an extra edge to preparation plans if needed. By choosing wisely now according to individual preferences – however, limited those choices may be – gives one peace of mind going forward with confidence on exam days.
Take a moment to breathe. Before and during the test, take several deep breaths to regulate your body's stress levels and maintain concentration on the tasks ahead of you. If nerves start creeping up, practice mindful breathing practices or stand up for some light stretching or take a quick bathroom break to reduce any anxiousness building inside of you. Utilizing these self-care tactics can help center yourself and redirect energy back into ultimately succeeding at the challenge before you.
When faced with time constraints, it's important to take the extra effort to reframe questions that seem complex or confusing to grasp their essence quickly; this way, you can optimize scarce minutes on difficult tasks rather than spending too much time trying to decipher a given query. Pay close attention to keywords such as NOT, least, must, first most best, and or which are often bolded or underlined for emphasis, but that is not always the case. As if you’re an investigative detective hunting clues – take note of these helpful hints to get ahead on written exams.
As you take this test, remember to pay close attention, as it is essential for comprehending the scenarios presented. Even if time constraints cause a sense of urgency regarding moving on quickly, it may be worth taking an extra moment or two over each sentence to absorb all the necessary details when choosing what answer best fits the situation. With mindfulness and focus while reading, your chances of success are sure to increase!
As you read, organize the data into relevant groups to expedite your search for knowledge. Utilize a multidimensional perspective and draw upon theories and theorists when appropriate; recognize whether it's about behavior or diagnosis. Visualizing someone handing you an index card from a library catalog can aid this process as you peruse your human mental library of social work information!
Before you start assessing the given answers, take a moment to first think of what your response could be. Thoroughly read through all relevant information presented in the scenario and formulate an answer based on that. As you review every option provided for consideration, make sure not to settle for the initial selection - even if it matches your original idea; instead, ensure that each choice has been considered before arriving at a conclusion. To avoid doubts later down the line, only select an answer when feeling more than 90% confident about it!
If you're stumped for the correct answer, take a moment to review each option and rule out any definitively incorrect options. This strategy can make it easier to determine which is most likely right - increasing your chances of success!
Save the tougher questions for later and flag them, so you know which ones require further review. There should be a limit on how many questions you flag! Remember to always select an option before flagging a question in case there is no time left for review. If you find yourself with extra minutes after answering all questions, review any flagged inquiries first; reading other related topics can sometimes jog your memory to help you choose the correct answer!
Make sure there are no questions left blank! It's okay if not all of your answers are correct; taking a chance could result in rewarding luck. Don’t forget - check back on clue #8 for assistance!
Remember, guesswork isn’t always the best work. When it comes to making changes, use your intuition! Research has indicated that following gut instincts are often more effective than randomly guessing. When considering a change in response, make sure you feel 90% confident in the choice before confirming; if not, trust your initial answer and reserve any revisions for when certainty can be met.
Taking care of yourself is essential to preparing for a big test. Doing something refreshing, like going to the movies or spending time with friends and family, can help relieve stress while staying energized during this important period in your life! Exercise before your exam day will give you energy, along with eating well on the night prior and the morning of. And finally, make sure those calming practices such as yoga, massages, and finding joy in hobbies are not forgotten - they may be the key to success when taking any exam.